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Zinger Pro (Meir Yedid)

  • Difficulty: EASY
  • Category: MENTAL MAGIC
  • Product Type: MAGIC TRICK

A quick, simple and direct prediction using a handful of coins.

Three coins are placed on the table or in a spectator's hand and a prediction coin is placed in your fist. A spectator freely selects any of the three coins. When you open your fist the prediction coin matches.

No extra coins, no switches, no forces. You will love performing this and will carry it with you.

Self-working, clean and examinable. Comes with a Zinger coin (gaffed US Quarter) and photo-illustrated instructions. Use your own coins.

NOTE: The main difference between the new Zinger Pro and the original Zinger is that the Zinger coin in this new version looks ordinary and can be examined.

Media Type Shipped Product

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