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Coin Ballonacy DVD (Magic Ian)

  • Difficulty Rating: INTERMEDIATE
  • Category: CLOSE-UP MAGIC
  • Product Type: DVD

Magic Ian originally created and started performing this around 1977. The basic effect is of a borrowed and marked coin placed on the surface of an inflated balloon is visibly pushed into the balloon. The balloon can be popped to retrieve the marked coin.

It is basically a hybrid of two classic tricks combined with some extremely clever misdirection. Although there have been many variations released since this original it is still the best and most practical.

The original best-seller released around 1978 was a trick with balloons and instructions that sold thousands. This DVD that was released by Magic Ian in 2008 features the basic routine plus scenes from his lecture where he demonstrates and explains many additional routines and variations using props such as bills, playing cards, pens, pins, coat hangers, silks and much more.

A Meir Yedid Magic product. Original release dates: 1978 and 2008. Running time: Approximately 55 minutes. Uses any #11 or #13 clear balloons. (Balloons not included).

Media Type Shipped Product

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