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Beyond Brainwave (Martin MacMillan)

  • Difficulty Rating: EASY
  • Category: CARD MAGIC
  • Product Type: MAGIC TRICK

Although this routine is based on the Brainwave/Invisible deck premise it is so much more. What is so wonderful about it is that it will easily fool most magicians. Watch the trailer and see if it fools you.

A basic routine: A blue backed deck is placed on display while a spectator is asked to name a card (no force, no elimination). The pack is removed, and the cards spread, the named card is reversed. The card is removed, turned over and shown to have a red back. Until now, everything seems similar for those familiar with the Brainwave deck. But here's where things change, the deck is turned over and shown to be blank, the only printed card is the spectator's named one!

Here are some bullet points that would interest you:
►Any card is named.
►It's the only face card showing in the deck.
►It's removed and shown to have an odd colored back.
►The pack is shown to be entirely blank on its face.
►Named card and pack are fully shown front and back.
►Only one deck is used.
►No equivoque, no thin cards, printed on Bicycle stock.

Comes with a very special, hand-made, deck of Bicycle playing cards. Includes both written instructions and access to an online video tutorial.

Media Type Shipped Product

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