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Magnetic Coins (Dr. Michael Rubinstein)

  • Difficulty: INTERMEDIATE
  • Category: MONEY MAGIC
  • Product Type: MAGIC TRICK

A quick routine that does not use magnets! Perfect for walk-around, table hopping, or just amaze your friends. No set up needed, and you can immediately repeat.

Two half dollars are examined. Rub them on your sleeve, and suddenly they become magnetic and stick together! Rub harder, and they become inseparable! No one can unlink them until you pass them over a flame from a lighter (or touch them with a key/coin), causing the bond to be instantly broken.

Everything can be immediately examined, and you are left clean.

Comes complete with a gimmick, two matching half dollars, and access to an online video tutorial. A Dr. Michael Rubinstein product.

Media Type Shipped Product

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